Andrew John Contiguglia
WHAT I DO: I counsel and advise small and medium sized businesses and influencers to gain legal advantages and protection by providing original, success-focused strategies and legal know-how. I help protect business owners from making legal mistakes by educating them with knowledge about the legal issues that affect them in business. Business that thrive include a lawyer as part of their success team.
WHO I WORK WITH: Since 1996 I have helped small, medium, and large businesses, local and online influencers navigate and avoid legal mistakes.
WHY IT WORKS: By providing original, success-focused strategies to help businesses grow, I educate business owners with general knowledge and information about the legal issues that affect them in their businesses. Owners can be more successful in business if they maintain a more detailed understanding of the legal issues they can encounter while running their businesses.
WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT: My unique perspective as a trial lawyer and transactional attorney with almost 25 years of experience gives businesses an advantage when it comes to their long-term goals and day-to-day operations. Education about the law empowers you with a framework to ask intelligent questions, take smart actions, and protect yourself, your customers, and your business future.
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